Click here to download the NHSCA Membership Application.
If you are a home service contract company seeking NHSCA membership, please contact:
Pierce Haley | Phone: 617-413-8823 | Email
Allie McGerigle | Phone: 617-830-5247
Application to join the NHSCA is open to established and reputable companies who are in the business of offering home service contracts (home warranty) to consumers on major household systems and appliances that fail due to normal wear and tear. Applicants will go through a background check and vetting process and may be subject to an onsite visit by our retained counsel for review.
Application is an efficient and friendly process. Simply fill out this application form and mail or email to the NHSCA. We will then contact you and conduct a telephone interview. If we are both ready to proceed, your application and background research will be forwarded to each existing member for consideration. Members may choose to contact you as well. We will then mail you a letter which contains more detail on budget, responsibilities and member activities.
After an appropriate vetting period (usually 30-60 days) your application will be considered at the next monthly call or national meeting. Approval requires an affirmative vote of 2/3rds of all members.