Lenexa, KS, Feb. 10, 2021
Christopher Wasson, NHSCA President departed his position with Old Republic Home Protection in late 2020 resulting in a transition of top NHSCA leadership. A new slate of officers was unanimously voted in. Rodney Martin, Chief Executive Officer of America’s Preferred Home Warranty of Jackson, Michigan moved up to President and Jacqui Crocket VP of Business, Digital Transformation at 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty of Denver, Colorado assumed the Vice President slot. Any Hand, SVP Marketing and Strategy with First American Home Protection of San Ramon was elected Secretary/Treasurer.
Wasson’s departure was unexpected, however, “We are prepared for this with our officers serving two-year terms. We always have new officers ready and up to speed to take over,” said Art Chartrand the association Executive VP and General Counsel. “We fully expect Wasson to reappear in the home warranty provider ranks and possibly serve again in the near future.”
The NHSCA also took a bold move and determined to hold its 2021 annual board meeting in-person this summer. As was universally the case, the 2020 June meeting was relegated to a Zoom meeting. “We realize some government restrictions could yet alter our plans, but after polling the members, we found most ready, willing and able to attend” reported Joy Moore, NHSCA Operations Manager. Moore added that the meeting locale played a role noting that Boothbay Harbor Maine is a spacious and safe environment, and the hotel is well prepared as the country moves into a post Covid world.
In Boothbay, NHSCA will be dealing with its recent growth of membership and planning for a National Symposium on Home Warranty. “A new membership structure is being contemplated with a smaller and more efficient board size. We are trying to manage our growth while building a larger tent for all stakeholders in the home service contract industry to participate. An affiliate membership for our industry partners, many of whom currently serve on our Advisory Council, is on the table,” reported Martin as the NHSCA President. “As we move into a new normal of operations, we have been discussing and planning for the future for our industry to better serve the consuming public. It’s all a good thing,” added Martin.
Be sure to look for the NHSCA logo when choosing a home service contract (warranty) provider. See www.homeservicecontract.org for a list of member companies.
About the NHSCA
The National Home Service Contract Association (NHSCA) is a non-profit 50(c) (6) industry trade organization of member companies serving home service contract providers and consumer interests throughout the United States. For more great industry and consumer information, visit https://homeservicecontract.org.
For more information contact Joy L Moore, NHSCA Operations Manager Email: [email protected] or call 913-871-5600.