Homes need constant care and home service contract makes budgeting “EZPZ.” by: Arthur J. Chartrand*
Buying a home can be a challenging process but selecting a home service contract shouldn’t be. Thankfully the National Home Service Contract Association (NHSCA) has made the process easy. As a matter of fact, they have made it “EZPZ” for you. (Easy Peasy, if you are not into the acronym thing.)
Homebuyers need only look for the NHSCA logo which is granted to member companies that agree to adhere to sound and ethical business practices. No company can buy an NHSCA logo¾they have to earn it. Companies are vetted by peer review which means that even their toughest competitors have to approve of them. Onsite office audits and visits to member offices by NHSCA counsel are common. Adhering to a code of ethics, compliance with all state laws and regulations and fair advertising practices are just a few of the requirements.
We tend to trust when an electrical appliance is “UL certified” or a household product gets the “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.” The NHSCA is the seal of approval for the home service contract industry (often referred to in real estate circles as a “home warranty”).
Media often cover stories about consumers being ripped off by an unscrupulous financial adviser, home contractor or auto mechanic. Is everyone in these professions bad? Clearly not. The consumer simply lacks a knowledgeable reference or takes the wrong approach. Asking for input from a trusted neighbor or a real estate agent is also a good idea. Caution should be utilized when using online sources where marketing and advertising dollars can impact ratings.
The same goes for Google searches. Trusting a company just because they pop up as the number one ad sponsor does not mean they are the best choice. Unfortunately, some companies spend millions of dollars on meta data and search engine optimization rather than focusing on good service. If you research Google to a greater degree you will note government sanctions against home warranty companies with names like “select,” “secure” or “choice” in them. Educate yourself and read the full story.
The NHSCA represents the highest standard in home service contract protection and works to promote the same throughout the industry. There are a few very good companies who are not yet members of the NHSCA. Accordingly, the NHSCA is constantly reviewing companies and targeting the finest, legitimate and responsible companies for membership.
The NHSCA takes fraud seriously. It continually monitors the industry and works cooperatively with government officials as well as consumers in a robust effort to combat fraud. To see its most recent effort simply visit Marginal providers just won’t come near the NHSCA.
NHSCA members serve nearly five million households and pay out nearly two billion dollars in service claims every year. If a consumer ever has an issue with a service by an NHSCA member, the NHSCA website provides an avenue of communication direct to the top of its member companies.
So look for the NHSCA logo when picking a home warranty company. Or just think “EZPZ.” In fact, if you forget NHSCA or, just remember “EZPZ.” Go to EZPZhome.organd you will find the most qualified and reliable providers in the industry. If that isn’t easy enough, visit How EZ is that?
The NHSCA is an IRS registered 501 (c)(6) trade group of highly selected and premier providers of home service (warranty) contracts. The NHSCA is based in the heart of Americaat 10000 Marshal Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215 with members serving consumers throughout the United States.
For more information or an interview, contact:
Joy L Moore, Chief of Staff NHSCA
10000 Marshal Drive
Lenexa, KS 66215
Ph: 913.871.5600 FAX: Use Email
[email protected]
* Arthur J. Chartrand is an attorney, consumer rights advocate, former national radio talk show host and counsel to the National Home Service Contract Association
Email him at: [email protected]